
NEUROPAN Hawthorn Valerian Mint Tablets Natural Anxiety Sleep Aid & Anti Stress

$ 8.08

  • Active Ingredients: Hawthorn Extract, Mint Extract, Valerian root extract
  • Administration: Oral
  • Body Area: Nervous System
  • Brand: Organictas
  • Country/Region of Manufacture: Bulgaria
  • Department: Adult, Men, Unisex, Women
  • Dosage: 330 mg
  • Expiration Date: July 2024 or Better
  • Features: Natural
  • Formulation: Tablet
  • Ingredients: Natural Hawthorn Extract, Natural Valerian Extract, Natural Peppermint Extract
  • Item Weight: 1.06 oz
  • MPN: 711906015974
  • Main Purpose: Insomnia, Mood Support, Physical Stress, Sleep Aid, Stress, Anti-Stress, Calming, Nervous System Support, Sleeping Aid
  • Number of Pills: 50
  • Scent: Herbal
  • Type: Relax & Sleep Aid/Support
  • Type of Diet: Ayurvedic, Halal, Herbal, Kosher, Natural, Vegan, Vegetarian
  • UPC: 0711906015547
  • Volume: Does not apply
  • When to Take: After Meal
  • gtin13: 0711906015547


NEUROPAN Hawthorn Valerian Mint Tablets Natural Anxiety Sleep Aid & Anti Stress 50 x 330mg Valeriana Tablets Valerian, Hawhtorn and Mint Extract Natural Herbal Dietary Supplement 50 tablets = average 1 month supply * 50* tablets * 330mg * Made in EU * Premium Quality * Organictas NEUROPAN is a premium quality natural herbal dietary supplement containing a thick extract of valerian root, Hawthorn & Mint. Package: 50 Tablets per bottle. Purpose & Effect: * Calms the normal function of the nervous system in states of anxiety. * Sleeping Aid for better sleep. * Relieves tension. * Anti-Stress. * Helps to relax the body. * Powerful muscle relaxant. * PMS Menstrual cramps relief. * Promotes balance of emotional state. * Helps promote inner peace. * Supports blood pressure regulation. How to use NEUROPAN tablets: 1-4 tablets daily after meals. Do not take by children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation! Do not exceed the recommended daily dose! Do not use as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet! Note: Maximum daily dose - 4 tablets. Do NOT overdose Recommended daily dosage: 1 - 4 tablets per day How to store this Valerian Dietary Supplement: At temperatures below 25 ° C, dry, out of reach of small children! This Natural Herbal Dietary Product is best before: 07 / 2024 or better. (The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.) Do not use the product after the expiry date which is stated on the pack. This Product in some other languages: (GB) Natural herbal dietary supplement with valerian, hawthorn and peppermint in mental stress, physical stress, nervous excitement, sleep disorders, physical fatigue, mental fatigue, emotional states, exciteability, etc. (ALB) Shtesë dietike bimore natyrale me sanëz, murriz dhe mente në stresin mendor, stresin fizik, eksitimin nervor, çrregullimet e gjumit, lodhjen fizike, lodhjen mendore, gjendjet emocionale, ngacmueshmërinë, etj (Arab) المكملات الغذائية العشبية الطبيعية مع حشيشة الهر، الزعرور والنعناع في الإجهاد العقلي، والإجهاد البدني، والإثارة العصبية، واضطرابات النوم، والتعب الجسدي، والتعب العقلي، والحالات العاطفية، والإثارة، وما إلى ذلك. (CRO) Prirodni biljni dodatak prehrani s valerijanom, glogom i pepermintom u mentalnom stresu, fizičkom stresu, nervoznom uzbuđenju, poremećajima spavanja, tjelesnom umoru, mentalnom umoru, emocionalnim stanjima, uzbudljivosti itd. (CZ) Přírodní bylinný doplněk stravy s kozlíkem lékařským, hlohem a máty peprné v psychickém stresu, fyzickém stresu, nervovém vzrušení, poruchách spánku, fyzické únavě, duševní únavě, emočních stavech, vzrušivosti atd. (D) Natürliches pflanzliches Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit Baldrian, Weißdorn und Pfefferminze bei psychischem Stress, körperlichem Stress, nervöser Erregung, Schlafstörungen, körperlicher Müdigkeit, geistiger Müdigkeit, emotionalen Zuständen, Erregbarkeit usw. (DK) Naturligt urtetilskud med baldrian, tjørn og pebermynte i mental stress, fysisk stress, nervøs spænding, søvnforstyrrelser, fysisk træthed, mental træthed, følelsesmæssige tilstande, ophidselse osv. (E) Complemento dietético a base de hierbas naturales con valeriana, espino y menta en estrés mental, estrés físico, excitación nerviosa, trastornos del sueño, fatiga física, fatiga mental, estados emocionales, excitabilidad, etc. (EST) Looduslik taimne toidulisand palderjani, sarapuu ja piparmündiga vaimse stressi, füüsilise stressi, närvilise põnevuse, unehäirete, füüsilise väsimuse, vaimse väsimuse, emotsionaalsete seisundite, erutuvuse jne korral. (F) Complément alimentaire à base de plantes naturelles à base de valériane, d'aubépine et de menthe poivrée en cas de stress mental, de stress physique, d'excitation nerveuse, de troubles du sommeil, de fatigue physique, de fatigue mentale, d'états émotionnels, d'excitabilité, etc. (FIN) Luonnollinen yrttiravintolisä valeriaanilla, orapihlajalla ja piparmintulla henkisessä stressissä, fyysisessä stressissä, hermostuneessa jännityksessä, unihäiriöissä, fyysisessä väsymyksessä, henkisessä väsymyksessä, tunnetiloissa, kiihottuvuudessa jne. (GR) Φυσικό φυτικό συμπλήρωμα διατροφής με βαλεριάνα, κραταίγου και μέντα σε ψυχικό στρες, σωματικό στρες, νευρικό ενθουσιασμό, διαταραχές ύπνου, σωματική κόπωση, ψυχική κόπωση, συναισθηματικές καταστάσεις, διέγερση κ.λπ. (HUN) Természetes növényi étrend-kiegészítő valeriannal, galagonyával és borsmentával mentális stressz, fizikai stressz, ideges izgalom, alvászavarok, fizikai fáradtság, mentális fáradtság, érzelmi állapotok, ingerlékenység stb. (I) Integratore alimentare naturale a base di erbe con valeriana, biancospino e menta piperita per stress mentale, stress fisico, eccitazione nervosa, disturbi del sonno, affaticamento fisico, affaticamento mentale, stati emotivi, eccitabilità, ecc. (IRE) Forlíonadh aiste bia luibhe nádúrtha le valerian, sceach gheal agus lus an phiobair i strus meabhrach, strus fisiceach, spleodar néaróg, neamhoird codlata, tuirse fisiceach, tuirse meabhrach, stáit mhothúchánach, excitementability, etc. (ISR) תוסף תזונה צמחי טבעי עם ולריאן, עוזרד ומנטה במתח נפשי, מתח פיזי, התרגשות עצבית, הפרעות שינה, עייפות גופנית, עייפות נפשית, מצבים רגשיים, ריגוש וכו'. (JAP) 精神的ストレス、肉体的ストレス、神経の興奮、睡眠障害、肉体的疲労、精神的疲労、感情状態、興奮などに効果的なバレリアン、サンザシ、ペパーミントを配合した天然ハーブの栄養補助食品です。 (KOR) 정신적 스트레스, 육체적 스트레스, 신경 흥분, 수면 장애, 육체적 피로, 정신적 피로, 감정 상태, 흥분 등에 대한 발레리안, 산사나무 및 페퍼민트를 함유한 천연 허브 건강 보조 식품입니다. (LAT) Dabīgs augu izcelsmes uztura bagātinātājs ar baldriānu, vilkābele un piparmētru garīgā stresa, fiziskā stresa, nervu uztraukuma, miega traucējumu, fiziska noguruma, garīgā noguruma, emocionālo stāvokļu, uzbudināmības utt. (LIT) Natūralus vaistažolių maisto papildas su valerijonu, gudobele ir pipirmėtėmis esant psichiniam stresui, fiziniam stresui, nerviniam jauduliui, miego sutrikimams, fiziniam nuovargiui, psichiniam nuovargiui, emocinėms būsenoms, jaudrumui ir kt. (MALTA) Suppliment tad-dieta tal-ħxejjex naturali b'valerian, hawthorn u pepermint fi stress mentali, stress fiżiku, eċċitament nervuż, disturbi fl-irqad, għeja fiżika, għeja mentali, stati emozzjonali, eċċitabbiltà, eċċ. (NL) Natuurlijk kruiden-voedingssupplement met valeriaan, meidoorn en pepermunt bij mentale stress, fysieke stress, nerveuze opwinding, slaapstoornissen, fysieke vermoeidheid, mentale vermoeidheid, emotionele toestanden, opwinding, etc. (NOR) Naturlig urtetilskudd med valerian, hagtorn og peppermynte i mental stress, fysisk stress, nervøs spenning, søvnproblemer, fysisk utmattelse, mental utmattelse, emosjonelle tilstander, eksitabilitet, etc. (PL) Naturalny ziołowy suplement diety z walerianą, głogiem i miętą pieprzową przy stresie psychicznym, stresie fizycznym, podnieceniu nerwowym, zaburzeniach snu, zmęczeniu fizycznym, zmęczeniu psychicznym, stanach emocjonalnych, pobudliwości itp. (POR) Suplemento dietético de ervas naturais com valeriana, espinheiro e hortelã-pimenta no estresse mental, estresse físico, excitação nervosa, distúrbios do sono, fadiga física, fadiga mental, estados emocionais, excitabilidade, etc. (RO) Supliment alimentar natural pe bază de plante cu valeriană, păducel și mentă în stres mental, stres fizic, excitare nervoasă, tulburări de somn, oboseală fizică, oboseală mentală, stări emoționale, excitabilitate etc. (RU) Натуральная растительная БАД с валерианой, боярышником и мятой при умственном напряжении, физическом напряжении, нервном возбуждении, нарушениях сна, физическом переутомлении, психическом утомлении, эмоциональных состояниях, возбудимости и т.д. (SLK) Prírodný bylinný doplnok výživy s valeriánom, hlohom a mäty piepornej v psychickom strese, fyzickom strese, nervovom vzrušení, poruchách spánku, fyzickej únave, duševnej únave, emocionálnych stavoch, excitabilite atď. (SLO) Naravni zeliščni prehranski dodatek z baldrijanom, glogom in poprovo meto pri duševnem stresu, fizičnem stresu, živčnem vznemirjenju, motnjah spanja, telesni utrujenosti, duševni utrujenosti, čustvenih stanjih, vznemirljivosti itd. (SWE) Naturligt växtbaserat kosttillskott med valerian, hagtorn och pepparmynta vid mental stress, fysisk stress, nervös spänning, sömnstörningar, fysisk trötthet, mental trötthet, känslomässiga tillstånd, excitabilitet, etc. (TR) Zihinsel stres, fiziksel stres, sinirsel heyecan, uyku bozuklukları, fiziksel yorgunluk, zihinsel yorgunluk, duygusal durumlar, heyecanlanma vb. Durumlarda kediotu, alıç ve nane içeren doğal bitkisel besin takviyesi. (UA) Натуральна рослинна біологічно активна добавка з валеріаною, глодом і м'ятою перцевою при психічних навантаженнях, фізичних навантаженнях, нервовому збудженні, розладах сну, фізичній втомі, розумовій втомі, емоційних станах, збудливості та ін. (WELSH) Ychwanegiad dietegol llysieuol naturiol gyda valerian, draenen wen a phupur mewn straen meddyliol, straen corfforol, cyffro nerfus, anhwylderau cysgu, blinder corfforol, blinder meddwl, cyflyrau emosiynol, cyffro, ac ati. SHIPPING & DELIVERY: General Guidelines for Dispatch, Shipping & Delivery: We ship every working day, Monday - Friday in our timezone GMT+2. All deliveries take place within 24 hours after confirmed payment. All items are located and send from our warehouse in Bulgaria. All orders are carefully packed and we use as much as possible ecologically & environmentally friendly packing. We sell only original and premium quality products! You can see our whole shop assortment by clicking on the Remedy Direct link at the top of this product description. Customer support is important to us. We ALWAYS reply as soon as possible to all messages (please use the normal "contact seller" ebay message system. ECONOMY Shipping Option (slowest): Europe: usually 14 - 21 days. 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