What's Inside Ginkgo Biloba: Ginkgo Biloba are the dried leaves of Ginkgo biloba, a plant of the Ginkgoaceae family, and have multiple medicinal values. Describe Details Reduce blood viscosity - Ginkgo leaves can Remove deposits on the blood vessel walls, improve heart blood flow, reduce blood viscosity, and make blood flow smooth. Lower blood pressure - Ginkgo leaves can reduce blood pressure by increasing vascular permeability and elasticity, and have a good antihypertensive effect. Expectorant and cough - Ginkgo fruit has the effect of astringing lung qi and calming asthma and cough. It has an auxiliary effect on lung disease cough, asthma in the elderly with weak constitution, and various asthma and sputum. Lower cholesterol - Ginkgo leaf extract can reduce the cholesterol level in human blood and prevent arteriosclerosis. It has obvious effects on the treatment of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and hyperlipidemia, and can significantly improve symptoms such as dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath and fatigue in patients with coronary heart disease. Function Supports Healthy Brain Supports Cognitive & Memory Function Powerful Antioxidants